Privacy Notice

Professionals I.T Solutions, Inc. (PITS) is committed to maintaining personal data privacy. We collect personal information such as full name, email address, contact numbers when you send a Support Ticket through PITS's website (the "Site") or when you send PITS an Email or Chat. The collected personal information is utilized solely for documentation and processing purposes within PITS and is not shared with any outside parties. These information enable PITS to track to requests, inquiries, and complaints, forward them to appropriate internal units for action and response, and provide the sender with appropriate updates, including changes to this Privacy Notice in an orderly and timely manner. When you voluntarily provide PITS your personal information, you give your consent for us to collect, process, store, update, erase or destroy your personal data as needed for fulfillment of the purposes for which the data was obtained. This Privacy Notice is provided specifically for the purposes of the system where it is posted. Please see the Privacy Notice for any system or process wherein you will be providing your personal information.

Cookies & Web Analytics
The Site does not use stored cookies or log-files; however for website navigation purposes, it does use temporary cookies that last only while on the Site and are cancelled when closing the Web browser. Only non-identifiable web traffic data are analyzed, including the pages and links accessed on our site and date/time you visited the site.

Links to Other Sites
The Site may contain links to Web sites other than our own and for which PITS is not responsible. Such Web Sites may send their own cookies to you and may collect information and use it in a way inconsistent with our Privacy Policy. In such instances, unless expressly provided to the contrary, the collection and use of your personal information will be governed by the privacy policy applicable to that Web site. Unless PITS explicitly states otherwise, such references in no way indicate our endorsement, recommendation or preference of any such products, services or information contained on any other site.

Protection Measures
PITS stores personal information on secure computers. Only authorized PITS personnel has access to personal information, the exchange of which will be facilitated through email and hard copy. Personal information will be stored in a database for five years (after update, corrections, complaints, inquiries, requests are acted upon) after which physical records shall be disposed of through shredding, while digital files shall be anonymized. PITS uses firewalls and other security technology to prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons. While we have taken measures to protect Site Users' information, please know that no computer system is immune from intrusion; and information transmitted may need to pass through many systems outside the control of PITS in order to process such information. Therefore, PITS does not guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted. Access and Correction You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, as well as to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. To do so, please contact PITS's Data Privacy Offer at